I’m lying.
But everything that comes next is true.
When I first set out to make these pictures it was as an investigator; a reporter documenting my home town, looking for answers to simple questions. Who are the people I share this community with? What do they look like? How do they make a living? What cars do they drive? How do they decorate their yards? How do they pass their time?
I went looking for answers to these questions, but found myself on a new path instead. I’ve realized that these pictures have become more about me than the town. They make up a chapter of my autobiography better than they describe a community.
This is where I start lying again. I’m sharing fragmented truths of a small town through my selective framing, building a new context of a community that is my reality.
As a whole these pictures make up a lie about a place. Individually they tell the truth of that moment, that light, that interaction with someone so gracious to share their time with me. As a whole, they tell the truth about me.
These pictures are of a very real community, how I see it, made from the years of 2010-2016. The specific place no longer matters because you can’t get there from here.